I’m so cool – Cool quotes

Work like a coolie. Live like a prince.

Submitted by: syed uMer

Obesity isn’t as cool as it used to be, back in the earlier centuries. Before it was a reflection on your gross income, and now it’s just gross.

Cool story bro, wanna hear mine, its a fairytale, once upon a time nobody gave a sh*t about what you said.

Submitted by: Dwayne
I pretended to be cool when I saw my crush with his girlfriend. But deep inside it hurt like hell.
Submitted by: hafizah wira


Any fool can do something cool and look cool, but it takes skill to make something uncoolcool again.
— Criss Jami

Be cool and calm in any condition because every problems solution is in your soul but it can be achieved only when your mind is steady.

Submitted by: SACHIN KORE MCA


I just saw this wicked cool stunt on TV involving fire and explosives but of course the announcer said “Do not try this at home!”. Do you care if I come over for a while?

Submitted by: Mike Smith


I’m so cool, ice cubes get jealous.

Submitted by: Aly

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